Is dissimilar metal corrosion a concern with rain chains?

July 02, 2024

Is it a problem to have 2 types of metals on your gutters

One concern that often arises with rain chains is the interaction between different metals used in gutters and rain chains. This brings us to the concept of dissimilar or galvanic corrosion.

Understanding Galvanic Corrosion

Galvanic corrosion (also called bimetallic corrosion or dissimilar metal corrosion) occurs when two different types of bare metal come into contact with each other, leading to corrosion. This happens because each metal has a different electrode potential. This cell causes the more anodic metal to corrode faster than it would on its own.

Is Galvanic Corrosion a Factor with Rain Chains?:

Powder-Coated Rain Chains and Installation Kits

For homeowners using powder-coated rain chains and installation kits, there's good news. The powder coating acts as a protective barrier between the two metals, preventing direct contact and thus eliminating the risk of galvanic corrosion. This makes powder-coated rain chains a safe and durable option for your gutter system.

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Aluminum Rain Chains and Installation Kits

Aluminum rain chains are another excellent choice, especially if your gutters are also made of aluminum. Since the metals are the same, there is no risk of galvanic corrosion. Aluminum rain chains and Installation Kit accessories are lightweight, resistant to rust, and blend seamlessly with aluminum gutters, making them a worry-free and long-lasting solution.

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Copper Rain Chains and Installation Kits

Copper rain chains are renowned for their beauty and durability. However, they are the only type of rain chain that could potentially cause an issue when paired with raw aluminum gutters.

Galvanic corrosion between copper and aluminum can occur, but this requires the presence of an electrolyte solution. In most cases, the rainwater that flows through your gutters and rain chains does not have the necessary conditions to act as a significant electrolyte, making this a rare concern.

If you're still worried about potential galvanic corrosion between copper and aluminum, there are simple preventative measures you can take. One effective method is to insulate the metals with caulk. This is a straightforward step that is often recommended during the installation of Rain Chain Installation Kits anyway. By ensuring the copper Rain Chain Installation Kit does not come into direct contact with the aluminum gutter, you can enjoy the aesthetic benefits of copper without the risk of corrosion.

Another solution if you want to use a copper rain chain with your aluminum gutters is to choose a powder-coated Installation Kit that best coordinates with your gutters. You can attach your copper rain chain to the powder-coated Installation Kit without any worry.

Shop These Rain Chains

While the idea of galvanic corrosion can seem daunting, understanding how different metals interact can help you make informed decisions for your home.

Powder-coated and aluminum rain chains pose no risk of galvanic corrosion, making them excellent choices for any gutter system. Copper rain chains, although potentially susceptible to galvanic corrosion with raw aluminum gutters, can be easily managed with proper insulation techniques. By selecting the right rain chain and installation method, you can enhance both the functionality and appearance of your gutter system without worry.